You Have To Make a Mess To Be Craftastic!
Welcome to My Focused Passion.... oooo fabric!

I’m Karen. Thanks for visiting my “farm.” I'm a grower, a stitcher, a maker; an entrepreneur, an athlete, a dreamer & baker.
You Have To Make a Mess To Be Craftastic!
I’m Karen. Thanks for visiting my “farm.” I'm a grower, a stitcher, a maker; an entrepreneur, an athlete, a dreamer & baker.
From small projects to big dreams, I'll give it a try and let you know how to make it your own!
From Barn Quilts to Quilt techniques, flowering plants to what flour to use, I am all about learning and growing.
Hi! I’m Karen. Thanks for stopping by the “farm.” I use that term as I live in an urban neighborhood, but on almost a half acre, just short of my dream of a few acres. I have no farm animals unless you count two ditsy Doodles and one metro-sexual cat. However, I do have a vision, lots of ambition and energy, and a taste for good, healthy food. Okay, also chocolate and cookies, not necessarily in that order.
I love to find unique quilts, ones that tell a story! Here is one I found recently in honor of Representative and
Civil Rights Leader John Lewis.
It's on my To-Do List!
It's called
The Good Trouble at Home Quilt Block.
In addition quilting, I garden, create, seek opportunity and never act my age! I hope you will join me on this journey of scattered passion or at least pop in once in a blue moon to see the next adventure on
Freckles & Fat Quarter Farm.
I think there is never a time to stop learning. Whether an advanced degree or a new quilt stitch, it's all part of the journey. I share my knowledge of quilting, painting Barn Quilts, gardening and creating with anyone who will listen! Check out the calendar to see what's coming up? Is there something you want to learn about? Just ask and you probably are not the only one.
Dirt is in my veins. Well, at least my fingernails. It's a healthy way to pass the time and the results are healthy also. I experiment, fail, forget to water, succeed, sow more than I need, share the crops and spread the seeds of community.
Sign up to hear about classes, news, gardening ideas, quilt projects and creative crazies!